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A partnership is both a means for children from very different backgrounds to meet and communicate, and secondly, a way to offer some help.


Before choosing a partner school, make sure you have read about its requirements, specified in the school’s profile.


The type of support needed varies from one school to another. Sending books, materials and teaching advice for educators is often necessary... But a number of them do need funds to evolve, even survive. When that is the case, you are free to choose with your class what you will do together to raise funds for the school of your choice.


A class project like this develops a sense of solidarity and compassion in children.


To help, if ever you needed ideas, here are some suggestions. If you have others to submit, thank you for sharing them










Rice bowl operation  


Children who wish to participate (and who are able) eat only a bowl of rice and fruit for lunch on Fridays for a month. The money saved goes to the partner school.


Arts & Crafts expo-sale, Christmas market


The children in your class make and sell items: bookmarks, decorated notebooks, greeting cards ...


Jumble Sale, lotery


A good way to help while clearing out our attics : books , clothes, DVDs ....


Fashion show, concert, choir, Sports event


Tasting evening

Children prepare food, cakes - why not on the theme of your partner school’s country?









The funds collected can be sent directly to your partner school in most cases. Otherwise, you can donate via KidsRFuture. In both cases, your partner school and KidsRfuture commit to ensuring you receive pictures showing what the school has been able to do thanks to you and the children. KidsRfuture can also help you find out the specific needs of your partner school at a given moment (ex: roof has collapsed, needs books...)


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